Profile picture of Eunjin facing camera

Hi there, I'm Eunjin!

I’m a Product Designer and Design Engineer passionate about bridging design and technology through a human-centered approach.

Currently, I am a graduate student in the Master of Arts in Design Engineering (MADE) Program at Brown University and Rhodes Island School of Design, where I explore creativity through technology and collaborative learning.

Previously, at Soundable Health, I held dual roles as a Product Designer and Product Manager, focusing on developing user-centric solutions to enhance healthcare experiences.
Story and image of eunjin's journey
Growing up, visualizing has been my first language. Moving around different countries, attending new schools and making friends from different cultures, visual cues and body language took a big part as much as verbal language when communicating.
I wanted to use this skill throughout my life and be a designer who translates cognitive information into a visual language. To refine the skills I had naturally developed, I pursued studies in Visual Communication Design and Oriental Painting at Seoul National University.
In the summer of my junior year at college, I volunteered for painting murals in a local women's hospital in Senegal, Africa. The message we were to convey through the mural was essentially: 'Come to the hospital when you're pregnant.' Many women in that village had little access to education and information about pregnancy and childbirth. They were not well informed about how helpful it was to get prenatal checkups and getting help when giving birth.
This experience opened my eyes to the profound impact design can have on people’s lives—an insight that ultimately led me to the healthcare space. Working at Soundable Health, I focused on solving problems by transforming complex medical data into intuitive, accessible visuals. By bridging the gap between information and understanding, I aimed to empower users to engage with their health more effectively.
Currently in the MADE program, at Brown University and Rhodes Island School of Design, I exploring creativity through technology and collaborative learning.